New and Old Posts

I will post all new videos and posts here. After 3 months, I will move all the pics into there respective catagories.

That will give a chance for my regular blog followers to keep up with the new stuff.

For all the new or revisiting blog readers that want to see my other postings - it will be available in the catagories.

Thank all of you for taking time to look at my blog, and I hope that you enjoy looking at it.

As for the videos - I will not be able to move them till I can find out how and if it will work that way.


Questions you can ask me about trucking and/or this blog.

 I will try to setup this page - so that you can get answers from me (if I know them and I will give you my best answer to my abillity) about trucking and/or this blog. Please keep the questions at a clean level  as I may have many people who would not like or need to see stuff like that. (religious, minors, etc......)