New and Old Posts

I will post all new videos and posts here. After 3 months, I will move all the pics into there respective catagories.

That will give a chance for my regular blog followers to keep up with the new stuff.

For all the new or revisiting blog readers that want to see my other postings - it will be available in the catagories.

Thank all of you for taking time to look at my blog, and I hope that you enjoy looking at it.

As for the videos - I will not be able to move them till I can find out how and if it will work that way.


Personal Life Pics (Family and fun)


 First White Christmas

At home was my first white Christmas (in Alabama). And where was I - down in Fla with my wife seeing her family. Well I may have missed it but my son got to enjoy it with his mom, stepdad, granny and lil brother. As far as my wife and I - we had one of the most exiciting and wonderful time seeing some of her family that she has not gotten to see in a very long time. I actually got to meet some that she has missed seeing very much.
Everytime she started crying (when she saw some she has not seen in a very long time), it would make my tears flow also. I was so happy to see it being a various enjoyable occasion.

Pics of the snow was takin on 12-27-10. on my way to get my son,
then off to Birmingham to leave out. After getting dispatched - it turned out to be the desert pipe run.

Fla Family pics will be below this.