New and Old Posts

I will post all new videos and posts here. After 3 months, I will move all the pics into there respective catagories.

That will give a chance for my regular blog followers to keep up with the new stuff.

For all the new or revisiting blog readers that want to see my other postings - it will be available in the catagories.

Thank all of you for taking time to look at my blog, and I hope that you enjoy looking at it.

As for the videos - I will not be able to move them till I can find out how and if it will work that way.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

9-1-10 dot scale and passing officer on shoulder

As truckers, we have to go into DOT (department of transportation) - They check to see if we are running legal and safe. After I actually leave the scale, there is a police officer with someone that they pulled over on the shoulder. It is the law that with emergency vehicles on the shoulder , that you move over  (if possible) or slow down, as you pass them for their safety.

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